Click grantholder name for more information about the grant. Requests for copies of publications or for other information should be made direct to grantholders.
£20,000 (2011/2012) for a one-year pilot involving the participation of the Older People’s Engagement Network.
£6,100 (2012) for evaluation of the debt advice project located within Homes for Northumberland, highlighting policy implications for advice-giving agencies and housing providers.
£22,358 (2012/2013) for strategic work
£10,461 (2013) for 'Community Action on Poverty'
£17,420 (2012/2013) towards a one-year participative research project involving male sex workers, to identify policy gaps and influence policy-makers.
£15,000 (2011/2013) towards a programme of events and debates.
£56,700 (2008/2010) for development costs and consultancy including £2,000 towards a conference and £5,000 for campaigning activity
£69,520 (2011/2012) for the action programme ‘Whose Marketplace is it Anyway?’
Professor Keith Shaw, Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University and Fred Robinson, St Chad’s College, Durham University. £30,500 (2011/2012) for a participative study: From Regionalism to Localism: Opportunities and threats for the North East.
Between 2007-2024, RRFNE received grants of over £500,000 toward its policy work, including six years as a Strategic Partner. For learning from this rich period of policy work see this paper:
RRFNE Reflections 2003-2023
£35,000 (2012/2013) towards ‘Reducing the Gap’, an 18 month project on youth unemployment.
£19,612 (2013)
£16,520 (2013)
£12,375 (2013) for a report on how the economic drain from the North East is fuelling big bonuses in London
£18,236 to build on the success of and develop the MAP participative project.
£20,000 towards the Mind-full Project
£60,000 (2011/2013) for the campaign ‘Surviving or Thriving’, in association with Newcastle CVS, Durham One Voice Network and Connect 4 Change Northumberland.
£120,000 over three years until March 2020