Previous grants

Click grantholder name for more information about the grant. Requests for copies of publications or for other information should be made direct to grantholders.
Age UK North East
£20,000 (2011/2012) for a one-year pilot involving the participation of the Older People’s Engagement Network.
Blyth Valley Citizens Advice Bureau
£6,100 (2012) for evaluation of the debt advice project located within Homes for Northumberland, highlighting policy implications for advice-giving agencies and housing providers.
Centrepoint for Youth Homeless North East
£22,358 (2012/2013) for strategic work
Children North East
£10,461 (2013) for 'Community Action on Poverty'
Cyrenians (now known as Changing Lives)
£17,420 (2012/2013) towards a one-year participative research project involving male sex workers, to identify policy gaps and influence policy-makers.
Derwent Initiative
£15,000 (2011/2013) towards a programme of events and debates.
Mental Health North East 1
£56,700 (2008/2010) for development costs and consultancy including £2,000 towards a conference and £5,000 for campaigning activity
Mental Health North East 2
£69,520 (2011/2012) for the action programme ‘Whose Marketplace is it Anyway?’
My Sister’s Place
Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service
Northumbria University and Durham University
Professor Keith Shaw, Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University and Fred Robinson, St Chad’s College, Durham University. £30,500 (2011/2012) for a participative study: From Regionalism to Localism: Opportunities and threats for the North East.
Regional Refugee Forum North East
Between 2007-2024, RRFNE received grants of over £500,000 toward its policy work, including six years as a Strategic Partner. For learning from this rich period of policy work see this paper:

RRFNE Reflections 2003-2023

Regional Youth Work Unit North East
£35,000 (2012/2013) towards ‘Reducing the Gap’, an 18 month project on youth unemployment.
Stockton Advice and Information Centre CAB
£19,612 (2013)
TaxAid UK
£16,520 (2013)
The High Pay Centre
£12,375 (2013) for a report on how the economic drain from the North East is fuelling big bonuses in London
The Philanthropy Story
Tyneside Cyrenians (now Changing Lives)
£18,236 to build on the success of and develop the MAP participative project.
Tyneside Mind
£20,000 towards the Mind-full Project
Voluntary Organisations Network North East
£60,000 (2011/2013) for the campaign ‘Surviving or Thriving’, in association with Newcastle CVS, Durham One Voice Network and Connect 4 Change Northumberland.
Youth Homeless North East
£120,000 over three years until March 2020