Complaints and privacy
We welcome comments or constructive criticism about our service. Anyone who has a concern or complaint about any aspect of our service is encouraged to raise this in the first instance informally with the Trust Manager or, if that is not possible, with a Trustee. If the matter is not resolved informally, the complaint should be set out in writing and addressed to the Chair. The Chair will acknowledge the letter, normally within 10 working days of receiving it. The Chair will investigate the complaint, and will aim to produce a decision, which is final, within 28 working days of receiving the letter. He/she will notify the person or organisation who complained and the reason for the decision.
All written complaints received, together with a copy of the response to the person or organisation who complained, will be notified to the Board of Trustees. Complaints, both formal and informal, will be monitored, and information from this will be fed in to the planning process as appropriate.
Privacy policy
Millfield House Foundation collects data to enable it to function as a grant-maker. It holds data provided by Trustees, applicants and correspondents. Data are retained only for the legal purposes of the Foundation’s work. Data which no longer relate to current work or which are not required for legal or archival purposes are destroyed after one year during which they are unnecessary. Data we collect are kept safely and not shared with anyone other than the Trustees and any of our associates who have legitimate reason to have them. They are under instruction to destroy data not currently being used. Anyone believing that the Foundation holds personal data about them has the right to request to see it and to have it removed if there is no legal reason to keep it.
The Millfield House Foundation Data Controller is the Trust Manager to whom all queries should be addressed.