Previous Grant

Regional Refugee Forum North East

Between 2007-2024, RRFNE received grants of over £500,000 toward its policy work, including six years as a Strategic Partner. For learning from this rich period of policy work see this paper:

RRFNE Reflections 2003-2023

RRFNE is an independent membership organisation created in 2003 by and for community organisations led by Refugees and Asylum Seekers living in the North East of England.

It is founded on the understanding that:

    peer support plays a unique and vital role in promoting integration

      policy and services are most effective if the voice of the refugee and asylum seeker community themselves is heard in their development

      In 2023, RRFNE members held a consultation and agreed to prioritise member support activity in the current financial climate and pivoted away from its policy work. The Forum had enormous success in its policy activity and learning from this work is discussed here.


      List of previous grants